Taweevat Assavapokee wins the Margaret Rock award for best poster at the SBM annual meeting!
Taweevat Assavapokee from Thailand was awarded the Margaret Rock prize for best poster at the Society of Bedside Medicine annual meeting on Friday, September 30, 2022. His poster demonstrated that the presence of B lines on lung ultrasound prior to discharge in patients with congestive heart failure predicts readmission at 6 months. Dr. Assavapokee recently published these results in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders.
The Society of Bedside Medicine is grateful for the continued support of the Rock family.
SBM Announces 2nd Class of Bedside Medicine Fellows
The SBM is thrilled to announce its second class of bedside medicine fellows! The 1-year Bedside Medicine Fellowship is funded by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins DOM Office of Education. Justin Choi (Cornell) will use a socio-cognitive approach to understand the influence of team dynamics, team-patient interactions, and racial/ethnic diversity on the bedside diagnostic process. Prathit Kulkarni (Baylor) will attempt to understand and optimize the process of telediagnosis in the evaluation of acute medical problems via telemedicine.
Congratulations to Justin and Prathit!
The application process for the 3rd round of SBM Bedside Fellows will be announced in Sept-Oct 2022!
Society Sponsors Work on Telemedicine During COVID-19
The Society of Bedside Medicine partnered with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to fund a Bedside Medicine Fellowship in the Time of COVID-19. Caitlin Hicks was the awardee of the fellowship and used the funding to explore telemedicine utilization by different racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups during the pandemic.
Click here for a podcast about Caitlin’s work.
Click here for a newsletter and a link to an article in Health Affairs describing the results of the research.
Society Seeks International Board Member
The Society of Bedside Medicine is looking for an international member, specifically prioritizing a UK member, to join the board and maintain and strengthen our long-standing collaboration with our Institutional Member, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
The Society of Bedside Medicine is a global community of physician educators dedicated to bedside teaching and improving communication, physical examination and diagnostic skills. The purpose of SBM is to foster a culture of bedside medicine through deliberate practice and teaching, and by encouraging innovation in education and research on the role of the clinical encounter in 21st century medicine.
The main purpose of the Society of Bedside Medicine Board of Directors is to provide advice about the direction the society should follow and to help increase awareness of and skills in bedside medicine. All members of the board are volunteers who are excited about improving the interaction of the patient and the medical provider at the bedside. Board members are expected to be dedicated to the mission of the organization, possessing the skills to govern the organization and representing the diversity of the community being served taking into account race, gender, economic status, age, subject matter expertise and other factors.
Being a member of the Board of the Society of Bedside Medicine provides you with a unique opportunity to increase awareness of and skills in bedside medicine and to collaborate with colleagues who share the same passion for bedside medicine as you.
The Board is meeting by Zoom every month for one hour, and once a year in person. Board members are expected to take an active part in recruiting new members, supporting the activities of the SBM, participating in lectures and workshops teaching the physical exam and in contributing to papers and research projects about physical exam and patient/physician interaction.
Planned timeline is as follows:
Applications (CV and personal statement) due before June 27, 2022
Review and invitation to meet with SBM board member before and/or during our July Board meeting on July 22, 2022 (at 11am PST)
Final decision and invitation to join the SBM board by August 1, 2022
Acceptance by August 15, 2022.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and to consider being a part of board of the Society of Bedside Medicine. If you are interested in joining the board, please send your CV and a letter of intent (no longer than 1 page) to the presidents of the board: Maja Artandi (martandi@stanford.edu) and Stephen Russell (swrussell@uabmc.edu).
SBM selects inaugural Bedside Medicine Fellows
The SBM is thrilled to announce its inaugural class of bedside medicine fellows! The 1-year Bedside Medicine Fellowship was funded by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins DOM Office of Education. Anderson Marshall (UAB) will create a POCUS curriculum for medical students and Megha Shankar (UCSD) will implement a reproductive justice workshop using the Presence 5 framework. The call for letters of intent for the 2022-2023 class of fellows is now open!
Bedside Medicine Fellowship Program
The Society of Bedside Medicine, with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Johns Hopkins, created a Bedside Medicine Fellows Program! The one-year fellowship will provide a $35,000 stipend to support a project that promotes diagnostic excellence. LOI deadline 9/15/21.
The Society of Bedside Medicine partnered with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine to create a Bedside Medicine Fellows Program! The fellowship will create a community of talented clinician-educators and researchers who recognize the value of the bedside encounter in improving diagnostic accuracy and overall patient care.
The program is funded by a grant from the GBMF and will provide support for 2 bedside fellows each year for the next three years.
For more information about the program, and how to apply, please check out our information page. Letters of intent are due 9/15/2021.
The Society of Bedside Medicine Responds to COVID-19
Members of the SBM have been leading the response against COVID-19 at their home institutions. Here is a sampling of SBM COVID-19-related activities:
March 17, 2020
Maja Artandi “Integrating Telemedicine Triage and Drive Through Testing for Covid-19 Rapid Response” in Health Management Policy and Innovation
March 26, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (CNN Clip about a trial on hydroxychloroquine)
March 28, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Podcast: What It’s Like Treating Covid19 Patients in the Johns Hopkins Biocontainment Unit)
LINK http://johnshopkinssph.libsyn.com/what-its-like-to-treat-patients-with-covid-19a-doctors-perspective
April 2, 2020
Andy Elder (The Herald link on Why families should be talking about end of life care)
LINK https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/18355250.agenda-families-really-talk-end-life-care/
April 2, 2020
Maja Artandi “The Provider Directed Patient Self Exam”
April 7, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (ACCRAC Podcast for Anesthesia practitioners)
LINK http://accrac.com/episode-170-lessons-from-40-covid-patients-in-the-icu-with-brian-garibaldi/
April 8, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Yahoo Finance Live)
LINK https://finance.yahoo.com/video/johns-hopkins-doctor-hydroxychloroquine-asymptomatic-191825440.html
April 15, 2020
Andy Elder (The Herald: Finding a way for families to be together at the end of life)
April 16, 2020
Stephen Russell (RCPE “The Effect of Covid19 in Alabama”)
April 21, 2020
Maja Artandi (NEJM Catalyst “Rapid System Transformation”)
April 22, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Yahoo Finance Live)
LINK https://finance.yahoo.com/video/johns-hopkins-biocontainment-unit-medical-200515489.html
May 6, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Yahoo Finance Live)
LINK https://finance.yahoo.com/video/why-u-critical-point-fight-185736217.html
May 6, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Center Maryland “The Conference Call” Podcast with Damien O’Dougherty)
May 22, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Yahoo Finance Live)
LINK https://finance.yahoo.com/video/johns-hopkins-medical-director-were-190118975.html
June 4, 2020
Brian Garibaldi (Yahoo Finance Live)
LINK https://finance.yahoo.com/video/recognize-where-might-hotspots-doctor-183233803.html
June, 2020
Stephen Russell, Brian Garibaldi and the Graduate Medical Education Laboratory (GEL) Team (Peabody's Paradox: Balancing Patient Care and Medical Education in a Pandemic - article in JGME)
LINK https://www.jgme.org/doi/full/10.4300/JGME-D-20-00251.1
June 18, 2020
Maja Artandi and Stephen Russell in AAMC "Telemedicine Deepens Connection with Patients"
LINK https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/telemedicine-paradoxically-deepened-our-connections-patients
Society of Bedside Medicine at the 2019 Stanford 25 Clinical Skills Symposium
The Society of Bedside Medicine hosted its third annual poster session and general body meeting at the 2019 Stanford 25 Clinical Skills Conference - November 1-2, 2019.
The Society of Bedside Medicine hosted its 3rd general body meeting and poster session at the Stanford 25 Clinical Skills Symposium on November 1, 2019. Members also helped to organize and run hands on clinical skills workshops throughout the weekend. Thanks to all of our members and our colleagues at Stanford for making the conference a huge success!
Dr. Roaya Khalaf won the best MedEd poster and was the inaugural winner of the Margaret Rock Memorial Award for her work entitled, “Relative preservation of triceps over biceps strength in upper limb-onset ALS: the split elbow.”
Arifeen Rahman won best clinical vignette for her poster entitled, “Typical Manifestations of an Atypical Bug: Mycoplasma pneumoniae presenting as acute urticaria and lobar pneumonia.”
Cardiology Auscultation Expert David Canfield Interviewed about Bedside Skills
David Canfield, the W. Proctor Harvey Teaching Professor at Georgetown University, was interviewed by SBM member Apurva Sharma during a recent Assessment of Physical Examination and Communication Skills (APECS) session at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Professor Canfield worked with Dr. Harvey for almost 40 years recording heart sounds and teaching cardiac auscultation.
Click here to see a transcript of the interview.
Professor Canfield conducting a bedside cardiac exam teaching session during APECS.
SBM Faculty Interviewed at MIRCIM Conference about the Physical Exam
Brian Garibaldi was interviewed at the MIRCIM conference in Poland in April 2019 about the physical exam.
Click on the links below to see excerpts from the interview.
Common Mistakes in the Physical Exam
Making the Diagnosis in Complex Patients
Strategies to Avoid the "Hemolyzed" Physical Exam Response Published in JAMA Int Med
Stephen Russell and Brian Garibaldi published a reply to a JAMA Intern Med perspective on the “Hemolyzed Physical Examination.” In the reply, they propose 5 strategies to reinvigorate the practice of the physical examination.
Abraham Verghese joins Eric Topol to discuss Artificial Intelligence and Medicine
Abraham Verghese, the Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor at Stanford University, vice chair for the theory and practice of medicine, and director of Presence, discusses the intersection of artificial intelligence with the practice of medicine. Dr. Topol and Dr. Verghese are planning a monthly blog series entitled “Medicine and the Machine” on Medscape.
SBM part of AMA "Reimagining Residency" Initiative
SBM Joins Leading Universities to Study Physician Wellness and Clinical Skill
The Society of Bedside Medicine has joined four leading universities to study the impact of the training environment on physician burn out among internal medicine residents. The five-year, $1.8 million grant is funded by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Collaborating with Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the award will support critical factors that affect the well-being and clinical skills of residents across different programs.
"This novel and innovative AMA grant is an important step in building a training environment where people are truly at the center of care," said Dr. Abraham Verghese.
In year one of the study, collaborators will better understand the modifiable risk factors of the training environment. Starting in year two, those factors will begin to be tested in a real-time, "Graduate Medical Education Lab". The aim of the study is to find techniques that, when scaled to other training programs, will improve resident wellness and clinical skills.
Society of Bedside Medicine Presents at ACP 2019!
The Society of Bedside Medicine hosted a series of 5 workshops on 21st Century Clinical Skills at the ACP 2019 meeting in Philadelphia. The workshops focused on ways to reinvigorate the practice of the physical exam including the use of the Five-Minute Moment as an effective teaching tool, and how to integrate point of care technology into the practice and teaching of the bedside exam.
Society of Bedside Medicine to Co-sponsor Medical Education Conferences in Poland in April 2019
The Society of Bedside Medicine is excited to co-sponsor the Medical Education Forum (MEF) and the 5th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM) in Krakow Poland in May 2019. These meetings will also coincide with the 2nd international conference Medical Review Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire.
The Society of Bedside Medicine Joins the Coalition to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
The SBM has joined the Coalition to Improve Diagnosis In Medicine. The Coalition is a collaboration of more than 40 leading healthcare organizations focused on ensuring that diagnoses are accurate, communicated and timely.
The Society for Bedside Medicine brings a unique focus on the bedside encounter to the Coalition’s efforts to improve diagnosis. Please see the link above to learn more about the Coalition and it’s ongoing campaign.
Abraham Verghese Discusses Bedside Medicine with ZDoggMD
Watch the full discussion between Abraham Verghese and ZDoggMD here. The Society of Bedside Medicine is featured at 1hr, 10 minutes.
Society of Bedside Medicine 2nd Annual Poster Session
The Society of Bedside Medicine held its second annual poster session at the Stanford 25 Bedside Medicine Symposium on September 7, 2018.
We are pleased to announce this year’s winner, Sus Kotwal (below left), from Johns Hopkins. His project incorporates real patient cases into an online simulation program to teach how to evaluate patients with dizziness. Yuvraj Singh Chowdhury from St. Peters University Hospital was a runner-up (below right), along with Nadia Bennett (not pictured) from the University of Pennsylvania. All three will receive a one-year membership to the Society of Bedside Medicine!
Thank you to all of our participants for making this our best poster session ever.
Annual Report of the Society of Bedside Medicine, 2017-2018
The Society of Bedside Medicine is pleased to release its annual report for 2017-2018.
Medical Clinics of North America Issue on the Clinical Examination
Members of the Society of Bedside Medicine are prominently featured in the May issue of the Medical Clinics of North America, entitled "Clinical Examination." Society Co-president Brian Garibaldi edited the issue, which is focused on the enduring importance of the bedslde encounter in modern medicine. 11 of the 14 articles were co-authored by Society members.