Become a Member!

Join today to support our mission to improve bedside clinical care, learn about upcoming opportunities, and be the first to know about new resources. Your membership supports the education towards, and implementation of, a better patient experience.

Membership Benefits

  1. Participation in a community of like-minded educators and practitioners

  2. Access to SBM resources on website 

  3. Eligibility for SBM-sponsored fellowships

  4. Eligibility for SBM small grants program

  5. Eligibility to submit a 5MM & 10MMs for website publication

  6. Eligibility for apply for SBM Board membership

  7. Eligibility for advanced skills training and coaching (APECS)

Membership Fee

Membership is 100.00 for the year. If you wish to make a larger contribution to our nonprofit you can do so by choosing “Other” at checkout. The Society of Bedside Medicine is a Section 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your membership fee may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. 

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