Professional Resources
A group dedicated to improving physical examination skills.
JGIM Exercises in Clinical Reasoning (ECR)
A resource to improve teaching and practical skills in clinical reasoning.
An interactive site to improve cardiac auscultation skills.
A group that focuses on the importance of being “present" to enhance the quality of clinical interactions.
Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
A group dedicated to improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency, and reducing diagnostic error.
Center for Diagnostic Excellence
A center dedicated to tackling the challenge of medical misdiagnosis.
Johns Hopkins Institute for Excellence in Education
The mission of the Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is to promote, value and advance the educational mission of the School of Medicine while enhancing the School of Medicine's leadership role in medical and biomedical education nationally and internationally.
ClOSLER is a free on-line platform that exposes medical students, residents, and physicians to clinically excellent patient-centered role models from all clinical departments
Neuro-0phthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL)
This website houses a collection of great videos and educational materials about eye movement and other neurologic disorders.
Director of Clinical Skills Courses (DOCS)
DOCS the purpose of the Directors of Clinical Skills Courses (DOCS) is to build a cohesive and productive international consortium of educators who direct, teach and/or administer clinical skills courses for medical students.
The Clinical Problem Solvers is an outstanding podcast series that teaches clinical reasoning through case discussions of real patients with experts.