Society of Bedside Medicine at the 2019 Stanford 25 Clinical Skills Symposium
The Society of Bedside Medicine hosted its 3rd general body meeting and poster session at the Stanford 25 Clinical Skills Symposium on November 1, 2019. Members also helped to organize and run hands on clinical skills workshops throughout the weekend. Thanks to all of our members and our colleagues at Stanford for making the conference a huge success!
Dr. Roaya Khalaf won the best MedEd poster and was the inaugural winner of the Margaret Rock Memorial Award for her work entitled, “Relative preservation of triceps over biceps strength in upper limb-onset ALS: the split elbow.”
Arifeen Rahman won best clinical vignette for her poster entitled, “Typical Manifestations of an Atypical Bug: Mycoplasma pneumoniae presenting as acute urticaria and lobar pneumonia.”