Membership Benefits

Whether you’re new to bedside medicine or a long-time practitioner, The Society of Bedside Medicine can serve as a resource for education and inspiration. Members enjoy access to state-of-the art teaching techniques, opportunities for bedside medicine research, and membership to a global community of like-minded clinicians.

We have several membership options:

1-year Individual Membership: $100 (renews every year)

2-year Institutional/Organizational Membership: $4000 – Please contact us for more information about the benefits of Institutional membership, and the opportunity to become a “Founding Institutional Member”.

1-year Student/Resident Membership: SBM is pleased to announce that we are now offering discounted memberships for fellows, residents and medical students. An annual trainee membership fee is $50. Sign up today.

Low-Lower Middle Income World Bank Designated Countries Membership: SBM is also offering 50% discounts on memberships for individuals from low income and lower-middle income countries as designated by the World Bank. Please contact us to see if you are eligible (Student/Residents are not eligible for an additional discount beyond the student/resident membership discount).


Please note that annual memberships are not refundable.



Educational Resources

Members of SBM enjoy access to the interactive Blaufuss Multimedia cardiology teaching materials and assessments, unique SBM bedside teaching cards, plus best-practices of experienced teachers across the globe. 

Blaufuss Resources
Blaufuss Multimedia has created valuable teaching tools and assessments to help learners improve their cardiovascular exam skills. SBM members will have access to the Cardiovascular Interactive software which includes 10 high value cardiac cases for small group and individual learning sessions. SBM members will also be able to use the Cardiovascular Exam, a 50-question interactive assessment, to gauge their own cardiovascular knowledge and to track the effectiveness of their own teaching programs by assessing learners at their home institutions. Learn more about Blaufuss Resources here.

  • Note: Blaufuss software is currently only compatible with PC platforms (or computers that are able to run PC programs using a software interface).

5-Minute Moment Resources
The Five Minute Moment (5M2) is a technique pioneered by the Stanford Medicine 25, which enables bedside educators to provide important information about physical exam techniques and findings in a memorable and engaging way. SBM members will gain access to peer-reviewed 5M2’s that can be used immediately on bedside rounds. SBM members will receive detailed instructions on how to create their own 5M2s and will have the opportunity to submit their favorite 5M2s for peer-review and sharing with the entire SBM community.  Find out more about 5M2 Resources here.


Membership to a Global Community of Like-Minded Professionals

When you join SBM, you become a part of a growing community of like-minded professionals using the ritual of the physical exam to decode diagnosis and enhance the patient-provider relationship. You can also attend special member events at the Stanford 25 Bedside Medicine Symposium where these skills will be taught, discussed and shared.


Opportunities for Bedside Medicine Collaboration and Research

SBM members combine innovative teaching methods with best-practices in the physical exam in order to improve bedside teaching. SBM members partner in research and quality improvement projects to demonstrate the value of the bedside encounter and to enhance the diagnostic skills of 21st century providers.


Ready to join our vibrant community? Sign up today!