The 5-Minute Moment

Finding time to effectively teach at the bedside can be a challenge in the modern hospital environment. Attendings, residents, and students are all pulled in different directions, and the ability to maintain focus during a teaching session is limited. The Five Minute Moment (5M2) is a technique pioneered by the Stanford Medicine 25, which enables bedside educators to provide important information about physical exam techniques and findings in a memorable and engaging way. 5M2’s can be five minute sessions or serve as building blocks for longer bedside encounters depending on the needs of the instructor and learners.


Ankle Reflex

Two techniques can help elicit the ankle reflex in a bed bound patient. To learn more about modeling proper Ankle Reflex techniques, download pdf.



The significance of gynecomastia rests on the clinical context of the patient. To learn more about Gynecomastia, download pdf.

Additional 5M2's include:


Chronic Abdominal Pain

Temporal Arteritis

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Pulmonary Auscultation

Pulmonary Landmarks

Diagonal Earlobe Crease

Aortic Regurgitation

Causes of Jaundice

Functional Murmurs


Chronic Anemia

Tactile Fremitus

Rotator Cuff Tear

The 5M2 library will continue to grow. Check back soon for additional offerings.